Peritonitis - K65
Use Additional Code: This note indicates that an additional code should be used in conjunction with the primary code "K65" to provide a complete picture of the patient's condition or to capture associated factors.
Use Additional:
- code (B95-B97), to identify infectious agent, if known
Excludes1: It indicates that the conditions described by two codes cannot occur together in the same patient. These codes are mutually exclusive.
Type 1 Excludes:
- acute appendicitis with generalized peritonitis (K35.2-)
- aseptic peritonitis (T81.6)
- benign paroxysmal peritonitis (E85.0)
- chemical peritonitis (T81.6)
- gonococcal peritonitis (A54.85)
- neonatal peritonitis (P78.0-P78.1)
- pelvic peritonitis, female (N73.3-N73.5)
- periodic familial peritonitis (E85.0)
- peritonitis due to talc or other foreign substance (T81.6)
- peritonitis in chlamydia (A74.81)
- peritonitis in diphtheria (A36.89)
- peritonitis in syphilis (late) (A52.74)
- peritonitis in tuberculosis (A18.31)
- peritonitis with or following abortion or ectopic or molar pregnancy (O00-O07, O08.0)
- peritonitis with or following appendicitis (K35.-)
- puerperal peritonitis (O85)
- retroperitoneal infections (K68.-)
Code Also: It indicates that an additional code should be used alongside the primary code to capture related factors or associated conditions.
Category codeAlso:
- if applicable diverticular disease of intestine (K57.-)
These ranges represents subcategories of Peritonitis. The "K65" signifies that these are the diseases within this broad category.