- Tachycardia, unspecified - R00.0
- Bradycardia, unspecified - R00.1
- Palpitations - R00.2
- Other abnormalities of heart beat - R00.8
- Unspecified abnormalities of heart beat - R00.9
- Benign and innocent cardiac murmurs - R01.0
- Cardiac murmur, unspecified - R01.1
- Other cardiac sounds - R01.2
- Elevated blood-pressure reading, without diagnosis of hypertension - R03.0
- Nonspecific low blood-pressure reading - R03.1
- Epistaxis - R04.0
- Hemorrhage from throat - R04.1
- Hemoptysis - R04.2
- Hemorrhage from other sites in respiratory passages - R04.8
- Acute idiopathic pulmonary hemorrhage in infants - R04.81
- Hemorrhage from other sites in respiratory passages - R04.89
- Hemorrhage from respiratory passages, unspecified - R04.9
- Acute cough - R05.1
- Subacute cough - R05.2
- Chronic cough - R05.3
- Cough syncope - R05.4
- Other specified cough - R05.8
- Cough, unspecified - R05.9
- Dyspnea - R06.0
- Dyspnea, unspecified - R06.00
- Orthopnea - R06.01
- Shortness of breath - R06.02
- Acute respiratory distress - R06.03
- Other forms of dyspnea - R06.09
- Stridor - R06.1
- Wheezing - R06.2
- Periodic breathing - R06.3
- Hyperventilation - R06.4
- Mouth breathing - R06.5
- Hiccough - R06.6
- Sneezing - R06.7
- Other abnormalities of breathing - R06.8
- Apnea, not elsewhere classified - R06.81
- Tachypnea, not elsewhere classified - R06.82
- Snoring - R06.83
- Other abnormalities of breathing - R06.89
- Unspecified abnormalities of breathing - R06.9
- Pain in throat - R07.0
- Chest pain on breathing - R07.1
- Precordial pain - R07.2
- Other chest pain - R07.8
- Pleurodynia - R07.81
- Intercostal pain - R07.82
- Other chest pain - R07.89
- Chest pain, unspecified - R07.9
- Asphyxia and hypoxemia - R09.0
- Asphyxia - R09.01
- Hypoxemia - R09.02
- Pleurisy - R09.1
- Respiratory arrest - R09.2
- Abnormal sputum - R09.3
- Other specified symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems - R09.8
- Nasal congestion - R09.81
- Postnasal drip - R09.82
- Other specified symptoms and signs involving the circulatory and respiratory systems - R09.89
- Foreign body sensation of the circulatory and respiratory system - R09.A
- Foreign body sensation, unspecified - R09.A0
- Foreign body sensation, nose - R09.A1
- Foreign body sensation, throat - R09.A2
- Foreign body sensation, other site - R09.A9
- Acute abdomen - R10.0
- Pain localized to upper abdomen - R10.1
- Upper abdominal pain, unspecified - R10.10
- Right upper quadrant pain - R10.11
- Left upper quadrant pain - R10.12
- Epigastric pain - R10.13
- Pelvic and perineal pain - R10.2
- Pain localized to other parts of lower abdomen - R10.3
- Lower abdominal pain, unspecified - R10.30
- Right lower quadrant pain - R10.31
- Left lower quadrant pain - R10.32
- Periumbilical pain - R10.33
- Other abdominal pain - R10.8
- Abdominal tenderness - R10.81
- Right upper quadrant abdominal tenderness - R10.811
- Left upper quadrant abdominal tenderness - R10.812
- Right lower quadrant abdominal tenderness - R10.813
- Left lower quadrant abdominal tenderness - R10.814
- Periumbilic abdominal tenderness - R10.815
- Epigastric abdominal tenderness - R10.816
- Generalized abdominal tenderness - R10.817
- Abdominal tenderness, unspecified site - R10.819
- Rebound abdominal tenderness - R10.82
- Right upper quadrant rebound abdominal tenderness - R10.821
- Left upper quadrant rebound abdominal tenderness - R10.822
- Right lower quadrant rebound abdominal tenderness - R10.823
- Left lower quadrant rebound abdominal tenderness - R10.824
- Periumbilic rebound abdominal tenderness - R10.825
- Epigastric rebound abdominal tenderness - R10.826
- Generalized rebound abdominal tenderness - R10.827
- Rebound abdominal tenderness, unspecified site - R10.829
- Colic - R10.83
- Generalized abdominal pain - R10.84
- Unspecified abdominal pain - R10.9
- Nausea - R11.0