Pulmonary Artery, Left
- B32T0 - High Osmolar
- B32T0Z
- B32T0ZZ - Computerized Tomography (CT Scan) Pulmonary Artery, Left to None with None, High Osmolar Approach
- B32T0Z
- B32T1 - Low Osmolar
- B32T1Z
- B32T1ZZ - Computerized Tomography (CT Scan) Pulmonary Artery, Left to None with None, Low Osmolar Approach
- B32T1Z
- B32TY - Other Contrast
- B32TYZ
- B32TYZZ - Computerized Tomography (CT Scan) Pulmonary Artery, Left to None with None, Other Contrast Approach
- B32TYZ
- B32TZ - None