Alcohol ICD-10 Code
- F10.2 - Alcohol dependence
- F10.229 - Alcohol dependence with intoxication, unspecified
- F10.239 - Alcohol dependence with withdrawal, unspecified
- F10.9 - Alcohol use, unspecified
- F10.929 - Alcohol use, unspecified with intoxication, unspecified
- F10.939 - Alcohol use, unspecified with withdrawal, unspecified
- F10.1 - Alcohol abuse
- F10.129 - Alcohol abuse with intoxication, unspecified
- F10.139 - Alcohol abuse with withdrawal, unspecified
- Y90.0 - Blood alcohol level of less than 20 mg/100 ml
- Y90.1 - Blood alcohol level of 20-39 mg/100 ml
- Y90.2 - Blood alcohol level of 40-59 mg/100 ml
- Y90.3 - Blood alcohol level of 60-79 mg/100 ml
- Y90.4 - Blood alcohol level of 80-99 mg/100 ml
- Y90.5 - Blood alcohol level of 100-119 mg/100 ml
- Y90.6 - Blood alcohol level of 120-199 mg/100 ml
- Y90.7 - Blood alcohol level of 200-239 mg/100 ml
- Y90.8 - Blood alcohol level of 240 mg/100 ml or more
- O99.314 - Alcohol use complicating childbirth
- O35.4 - Maternal care for (suspected) damage to fetus from alcohol
- G31.2 - Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol
- G31.2 - Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol
- F10.281 - Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction
- F10.981 - Alcohol use, unspecified with alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction
- F10.181 - Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced sexual dysfunction
- T51.9 - Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol
- K85.22 - Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis with infected necrosis
- K85.20 - Alcohol induced acute pancreatitis without necrosis or infection
- Y90.1 - Blood alcohol level of 20-39 mg/100 ml
- Y90.2 - Blood alcohol level of 40-59 mg/100 ml
- Y90.3 - Blood alcohol level of 60-79 mg/100 ml
- Y90.4 - Blood alcohol level of 80-99 mg/100 ml
- Y90.5 - Blood alcohol level of 100-119 mg/100 ml
- Y90.6 - Blood alcohol level of 120-199 mg/100 ml
- Y90.7 - Blood alcohol level of 200-239 mg/100 ml
- Y90.8 - Blood alcohol level of 240 mg/100 ml or more
- Y90.0 - Blood alcohol level of less than 20 mg/100 ml
- F10.259 - Alcohol dependence with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified
- F10.959 - Alcohol use, unspecified with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified
- F10.159 - Alcohol abuse with alcohol-induced psychotic disorder, unspecified
- Z71.4 - Alcohol abuse counseling and surveillance
- Z71.4 - Alcohol abuse counseling and surveillance
- Q86.0 - Fetal alcohol syndrome (dysmorphic)
- O99.310 - Alcohol use complicating pregnancy, unspecified trimester
- O99.313 - Alcohol use complicating pregnancy, third trimester
- F10.10 - Alcohol abuse, uncomplicated
- F10.20 - Alcohol dependence, uncomplicated
- F10.220 - Alcohol dependence with intoxication, uncomplicated
- F10.230 - Alcohol dependence with withdrawal, uncomplicated
- F10.90 - Alcohol use, unspecified, uncomplicated
- F10.920 - Alcohol use, unspecified with intoxication, uncomplicated
- F10.930 - Alcohol use, unspecified with withdrawal, uncomplicated
- F10.120 - Alcohol abuse with intoxication, uncomplicated
- F10.130 - Alcohol abuse with withdrawal, uncomplicated
- F10.13 - Alcohol abuse, with withdrawal
- F10.23 - Alcohol dependence with withdrawal
- F10.93 - Alcohol use, unspecified with withdrawal
- Z71.42 - Counseling for family member of alcoholic
- Z71.41 - Alcohol abuse counseling and surveillance of alcoholic
- K70.30 - Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver without ascites
- K70.31 - Alcoholic cirrhosis of liver with ascites
- K70.10 - Alcoholic hepatitis without ascites
- K70.11 - Alcoholic hepatitis with ascites
- Z71.42 - Counseling for family member of alcoholic
- K29.2 - Alcoholic gastritis
- K29.20 - Alcoholic gastritis without bleeding
- K29.21 - Alcoholic gastritis with bleeding
- Z71.42 - Counseling for family member of alcoholic
- G72.1 - Alcoholic myopathy
- G72.1 - Alcoholic myopathy
- Z63.72 - Alcoholism and drug addiction in family
- T51.8 - Toxic effect of other alcohols
- T51.8X - Toxic effect of other alcohols