Allergy ICD-10 Code
- T78.4 - Other and unspecified allergy
- T78.49 - Other allergy
- Z91.01 - Food allergy status
- Z91.012 - Allergy to eggs
- Z91.030 - Bee allergy status
- Z91.02 - Food additives allergy status
- Z88.3 - Allergy status to other anti-infective agents
- Z88.4 - Allergy status to anesthetic agent
- K08.55 - Allergy to existing dental restorative material
- Z91.012 - Allergy to eggs
- Z01.82 - Encounter for allergy testing
- Z01.82 - Encounter for allergy testing
- Z91.018 - Allergy to other foods
- Z91.030 - Bee allergy status
- Z91.02 - Food additives allergy status
- Z88.6 - Allergy status to analgesic agent
- Z88.1 - Allergy status to other antibiotic agents
- Z91.0 - Allergy status, other than to drugs and biological substances
- Z91.09 - Other allergy status, other than to drugs and biological substances
- Z88.5 - Allergy status to narcotic agent
- Z88.3 - Allergy status to other anti-infective agents
- Z88.8 - Allergy status to other drugs, medicaments and biological substances
- Z88.9 - Allergy status to unspecified drugs, medicaments and biological substances
- Z88.2 - Allergy status to sulfonamides
- Z91.01 - Food allergy status
- Z91.03 - Insect allergy status
- Z91.038 - Other insect allergy status
- Z91.040 - Latex allergy status
- Z91.014 - Allergy to mammalian meats
- Z91.011 - Allergy to milk products
- Z91.041 - Radiographic dye allergy status
- Z91.013 - Allergy to seafood
- Z91.04 - Nonmedicinal substance allergy status
- Z91.048 - Other nonmedicinal substance allergy status
- Z88.7 - Allergy status to serum and vaccine
- Z28.04 - Immunization not carried out because of patient allergy to vaccine or component
- Z91.03 - Insect allergy status
- Z91.038 - Other insect allergy status
- Z91.040 - Latex allergy status
- Z91.010 - Allergy to peanuts
- Z88.0 - Allergy status to penicillin
- T78.4 - Other and unspecified allergy
- T78.40 - Allergy, unspecified
- T78.49 - Other allergy
- Z91.011 - Allergy to milk products
- Z91.041 - Radiographic dye allergy status