Cell ICD-10 Code
- C94.80 - Other specified leukemias not having achieved remission
- C91.40 - Hairy cell leukemia not having achieved remission
- C95.10 - Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell type not having achieved remission
- C95.90 - Leukemia, unspecified not having achieved remission
- C94.81 - Other specified leukemias, in remission
- C91.4 - Hairy cell leukemia
- C91.41 - Hairy cell leukemia, in remission
- C95.1 - Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell type
- C95.11 - Chronic leukemia of unspecified cell type, in remission
- C95.9 - Leukemia, unspecified
- C95.91 - Leukemia, unspecified, in remission
- C94.8 - Other specified leukemias
- J84.82 - Adult pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis
- C94.30 - Mast cell leukemia not having achieved remission
- C94.3 - Mast cell leukemia
- C94.31 - Mast cell leukemia, in remission
- C96.22 - Mast cell sarcoma
- J84.841 - Neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia of infancy
- Z52.001 - Unspecified donor, stem cells
- Z52.091 - Other blood donor, stem cells
- C96.4 - Sarcoma of dendritic cells (accessory cells)
- Z94.84 - Stem cells transplant status
- Z92.859 - Personal history of cellular therapy, unspecified
- Z92.85 - Personal history of cellular therapy
- Z92.858 - Personal history of other cellular therapy
- Z92.859 - Personal history of cellular therapy, unspecified
- H60.1 - Cellulitis of external ear
- H60.10 - Cellulitis of external ear, unspecified ear
- H60.11 - Cellulitis of right external ear
- H60.12 - Cellulitis of left external ear
- L03.03 - Cellulitis of toe
- L03.031 - Cellulitis of right toe
- L03.032 - Cellulitis of left toe
- L03.039 - Cellulitis of unspecified toe
- L03.113 - Cellulitis of right upper limb
- L03.114 - Cellulitis of left upper limb
- L03.115 - Cellulitis of right lower limb
- L03.116 - Cellulitis of left lower limb
- L03.119 - Cellulitis of unspecified part of limb
- L03.211 - Cellulitis of face
- L03.221 - Cellulitis of neck
- L03.312 - Cellulitis of back [any part except buttock]
- L03.319 - Cellulitis of trunk, unspecified
- L03.81 - Cellulitis of other sites
- L03.811 - Cellulitis of head [any part, except face]
- L03.818 - Cellulitis of other sites
- L03.311 - Cellulitis of abdominal wall
- L03.9 - Cellulitis and acute lymphangitis, unspecified
- L03.2 - Cellulitis and acute lymphangitis of face and neck
- L03.21 - Cellulitis and acute lymphangitis of face
- L03.22 - Cellulitis and acute lymphangitis of neck
- L03.8 - Cellulitis and acute lymphangitis of other sites
- L03.1 - Cellulitis and acute lymphangitis of other parts of limb
- H05.013 - Cellulitis of bilateral orbits
- H05.01 - Cellulitis of orbit
- H05.011 - Cellulitis of right orbit
- H05.012 - Cellulitis of left orbit
- H05.019 - Cellulitis of unspecified orbit
- L03.111 - Cellulitis of right axilla
- L03.112 - Cellulitis of left axilla
- L03.317 - Cellulitis of buttock
- L03.313 - Cellulitis of chest wall
- N48.22 - Cellulitis of corpus cavernosum and penis
- L98.3 - Eosinophilic cellulitis [Wells]
- L98.3 - Eosinophilic cellulitis [Wells]
- K12.2 - Cellulitis and abscess of mouth
- L03.314 - Cellulitis of groin
- N73.1 - Chronic parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
- N73.2 - Unspecified parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
- H05.01 - Cellulitis of orbit
- H05.011 - Cellulitis of right orbit
- H05.012 - Cellulitis of left orbit
- H05.019 - Cellulitis of unspecified orbit
- N73.0 - Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
- N73.1 - Chronic parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
- N73.2 - Unspecified parametritis and pelvic cellulitis
- L03.11 - Cellulitis of other parts of limb
- L03.315 - Cellulitis of perineum
- L03.316 - Cellulitis of umbilicus