Compound ICD-10 Code
- T57.1 - Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds
- T57.1X - Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds
- T56.0 - Toxic effects of lead and its compounds
- T56.0X - Toxic effects of lead and its compounds
- T56.5 - Toxic effects of zinc and its compounds
- T56.5X - Toxic effects of zinc and its compounds
- T56.6 - Toxic effects of tin and its compounds
- T56.6X - Toxic effects of tin and its compounds
- T56.3 - Toxic effects of cadmium and its compounds
- T56.3X - Toxic effects of cadmium and its compounds
- T56.2 - Toxic effects of chromium and its compounds
- T56.2X - Toxic effects of chromium and its compounds
- Z77.020 - Contact with and (suspected) exposure to aromatic amines
- Z77.028 - Contact with and (suspected) exposure to other hazardous aromatic compounds
- Z77.021 - Contact with and (suspected) exposure to benzene
- Z77.02 - Contact with and (suspected) exposure to hazardous aromatic compounds
- Z77.028 - Contact with and (suspected) exposure to other hazardous aromatic compounds
- T57.2 - Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds
- T57.2X - Toxic effect of manganese and its compounds
- T45.4X6 - Underdosing of iron and its compounds