Cutaneous ICD-10 Code
- C84.A - Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified
- C84.A0 - Cutaneous T-cell lymphoma, unspecified, unspecified site
- L02.91 - Cutaneous abscess, unspecified
- A06.7 - Cutaneous amebiasis
- A22.0 - Cutaneous anthrax
- L30.2 - Cutaneous autosensitization
- A44.1 - Cutaneous and mucocutaneous bartonellosis
- B40.3 - Cutaneous blastomycosis
- L02.3 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of buttock
- L02.0 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of face
- L02.0 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of face
- L02.1 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of neck
- L02.4 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of limb
- L02.5 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of hand
- L02.6 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of foot
- L02.8 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of other sites
- L02.3 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of buttock
- L02.31 - Cutaneous abscess of buttock
- L02.32 - Furuncle of buttock
- L02.33 - Carbuncle of buttock
- L02.411 - Cutaneous abscess of right axilla
- L02.412 - Cutaneous abscess of left axilla
- L02.421 - Furuncle of right axilla
- L02.422 - Furuncle of left axilla
- L02.431 - Carbuncle of right axilla
- L02.432 - Carbuncle of left axilla
- L02.214 - Cutaneous abscess of groin
- L02.224 - Furuncle of groin
- L02.234 - Carbuncle of groin
- L02.5 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of hand
- L02.51 - Cutaneous abscess of hand
- L02.511 - Cutaneous abscess of right hand
- L02.512 - Cutaneous abscess of left hand
- L02.519 - Cutaneous abscess of unspecified hand
- L02.52 - Furuncle hand
- L02.521 - Furuncle right hand
- L02.522 - Furuncle left hand
- L02.529 - Furuncle unspecified hand
- L02.53 - Carbuncle of hand
- L02.531 - Carbuncle of right hand
- L02.532 - Carbuncle of left hand
- L02.539 - Carbuncle of unspecified hand
- L02.8 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of other sites
- L02.81 - Cutaneous abscess of other sites
- L02.818 - Cutaneous abscess of other sites
- L02.82 - Furuncle of other sites
- L02.828 - Furuncle of other sites
- L02.83 - Carbuncle of other sites
- L02.838 - Carbuncle of other sites
- L02.9 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle, unspecified
- L02.91 - Cutaneous abscess, unspecified
- L02.92 - Furuncle, unspecified
- L02.93 - Carbuncle, unspecified
- L02.2 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of trunk
- L02.21 - Cutaneous abscess of trunk
- L02.219 - Cutaneous abscess of trunk, unspecified
- L02.22 - Furuncle of trunk
- L02.229 - Furuncle of trunk, unspecified
- L02.23 - Carbuncle of trunk
- L02.239 - Carbuncle of trunk, unspecified
- L02.226 - Furuncle of umbilicus
- L02.236 - Carbuncle of umbilicus
- L02.216 - Cutaneous abscess of umbilicus
- L02.4 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle of limb
- L02.41 - Cutaneous abscess of limb
- L02.413 - Cutaneous abscess of right upper limb
- L02.414 - Cutaneous abscess of left upper limb
- L02.415 - Cutaneous abscess of right lower limb
- L02.416 - Cutaneous abscess of left lower limb
- L02.419 - Cutaneous abscess of limb, unspecified
- L02.42 - Furuncle of limb
- L02.423 - Furuncle of right upper limb
- L02.424 - Furuncle of left upper limb
- L02.425 - Furuncle of right lower limb
- L02.426 - Furuncle of left lower limb
- L02.429 - Furuncle of limb, unspecified
- L02.43 - Carbuncle of limb
- L02.433 - Carbuncle of right upper limb
- L02.434 - Carbuncle of left upper limb
- L02.435 - Carbuncle of right lower limb
- L02.436 - Carbuncle of left lower limb
- L02.439 - Carbuncle of limb, unspecified
- B43.0 - Cutaneous chromomycosis
- B38.3 - Cutaneous coccidioidomycosis
- Q82.2 - Congenital cutaneous mastocytosis
- A36.3 - Cutaneous diphtheria
- A26.0 - Cutaneous erysipeloid
- L02.01 - Cutaneous abscess of face
- L02.02 - Furuncle of face
- L02.03 - Carbuncle of face
- C82.60 - Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, unspecified site
- C82.67 - Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, spleen
- C82.69 - Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma, extranodal and solid organ sites
- C82.6 - Cutaneous follicle center lymphoma
- L02.9 - Cutaneous abscess, furuncle and carbuncle, unspecified
- A32.0 - Cutaneous listeriosis
- L93.1 - Subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus
- D47.01 - Cutaneous mastocytosis
- Q82.2 - Congenital cutaneous mastocytosis
- B46.3 - Cutaneous mucormycosis