Cysticercosis ICD-10 Code
- B69.1 - Cysticercosis of eye
- B69.8 - Cysticercosis of other sites
- B69.89 - Cysticercosis of other sites
- B69.0 - Cysticercosis of central nervous system
- B69.1 - Cysticercosis of eye
- B69.8 - Cysticercosis of other sites
- B69.89 - Cysticercosis of other sites
- B69.9 - Cysticercosis, unspecified
- B69.0 - Cysticercosis of central nervous system
- B69.1 - Cysticercosis of eye
- B69.8 - Cysticercosis of other sites
- B69.89 - Cysticercosis of other sites
- B69.9 - Cysticercosis, unspecified
- B69.81 - Myositis in cysticercosis
- B69.0 - Cysticercosis of central nervous system