Effect ICD-10 Code
- T67.9 - Effect of heat and light, unspecified
- T73.9 - Effect of deprivation, unspecified
- T63.63 - Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone
- T51.0X3 - Toxic effect of ethanol, assault
- T51.1X3 - Toxic effect of methanol, assault
- T51.2X3 - Toxic effect of 2-Propanol, assault
- T51.8X3 - Toxic effect of other alcohols, assault
- T51.93 - Toxic effect of unspecified alcohol, assault
- T52.1X3 - Toxic effect of benzene, assault
- T52.3X3 - Toxic effect of glycols, assault
- T52.4X3 - Toxic effect of ketones, assault
- T53.1X3 - Toxic effect of chloroform, assault
- T53.2X3 - Toxic effect of trichloroethylene, assault
- T53.3X3 - Toxic effect of tetrachloroethylene, assault
- T53.4X3 - Toxic effect of dichloromethane, assault
- T53.5X3 - Toxic effect of chlorofluorocarbons, assault
- T55.0X3 - Toxic effect of soaps, assault
- T55.1X3 - Toxic effect of detergents, assault
- T56.0X3 - Toxic effect of lead and its compounds, assault
- T56.5X3 - Toxic effect of zinc and its compounds, assault
- T56.6X3 - Toxic effect of tin and its compounds, assault
- T56.813 - Toxic effect of thallium, assault
- T56.823 - Toxic effect of gadolinium, assault
- T56.893 - Toxic effect of other metals, assault
- T56.93 - Toxic effect of unspecified metal, assault
- T59.2X3 - Toxic effect of formaldehyde, assault
- T59.813 - Toxic effect of smoke, assault
- T60.2X3 - Toxic effect of other insecticides, assault
- T60.4X3 - Toxic effect of rodenticides, assault
- T60.8X3 - Toxic effect of other pesticides, assault
- T60.93 - Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide, assault
- T61.8X3 - Toxic effect of other seafood, assault
- T61.93 - Toxic effect of unspecified seafood, assault
- T64.03 - Toxic effect of aflatoxin, assault
- T65.0X3 - Toxic effect of cyanides, assault
- T65.813 - Toxic effect of latex, assault
- T65.833 - Toxic effect of fiberglass, assault
- T65.893 - Toxic effect of other specified substances, assault
- T65.93 - Toxic effect of unspecified substance, assault
- T56.3X3 - Toxic effect of cadmium and its compounds, assault
- T53.0X3 - Toxic effect of carbon tetrachloride, assault
- T59.7X3 - Toxic effect of carbon dioxide, assault
- T65.4X3 - Toxic effect of carbon disulfide, assault
- T59.4X3 - Toxic effect of chlorine gas, assault
- T56.2X3 - Toxic effect of chromium and its compounds, assault
- T63.043 - Toxic effect of cobra venom, assault
- T63.513 - Toxic effect of contact with stingray, assault
- T63.623 - Toxic effect of contact with other jellyfish, assault
- T63.633 - Toxic effect of contact with sea anemone, assault
- T59.893 - Toxic effect of other specified gases, fumes and vapors, assault
- T59.93 - Toxic effect of unspecified gases, fumes and vapors, assault
- T60.3X3 - Toxic effect of herbicides and fungicides, assault
- T62.0X3 - Toxic effect of ingested mushrooms, assault
- T62.1X3 - Toxic effect of ingested berries, assault
- T62.2X3 - Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s), assault
- T54.0X3 - Toxic effect of phenol and phenol homologues, assault
- T57.1X3 - Toxic effect of phosphorus and its compounds, assault
- T63.003 - Toxic effect of unspecified snake venom, assault
- T63.033 - Toxic effect of taipan venom, assault
- T65.223 - Toxic effect of tobacco cigarettes, assault
- T65.293 - Toxic effect of other tobacco and nicotine, assault
- T65.4 - Toxic effect of carbon disulfide
- T65.4X - Toxic effect of carbon disulfide
- T60.1X3 - Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, assault
- T60.1X4 - Toxic effect of halogenated insecticides, undetermined
- T57.3X3 - Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, assault
- T59.6X3 - Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, assault
- T59.6 - Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide
- T59.6X - Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide
- T57.3X4 - Toxic effect of hydrogen cyanide, undetermined
- T59.6X4 - Toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide, undetermined
- T59.3 - Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas
- T59.3X - Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas
- T59.3X3 - Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, assault
- T59.3X4 - Toxic effect of lacrimogenic gas, undetermined
- T64.83 - Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, assault
- T64.84 - Toxic effect of other mycotoxin food contaminants, undetermined
- T60.9 - Toxic effect of unspecified pesticide
- T60.8 - Toxic effect of other pesticides
- T60.8X - Toxic effect of other pesticides
- T63.013 - Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, assault
- T63.014 - Toxic effect of rattlesnake venom, undetermined
- T60.4 - Toxic effect of rodenticides
- T60.4X - Toxic effect of rodenticides
- T63.303 - Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, assault
- T63.304 - Toxic effect of unspecified spider venom, undetermined
- T65.9 - Toxic effect of unspecified substance
- T65.8 - Toxic effect of other specified substances
- T65.89 - Toxic effect of other specified substances
- T51.2 - Toxic effect of 2-Propanol
- T51.2X - Toxic effect of 2-Propanol
- T59.4 - Toxic effect of chlorine gas
- T59.4X - Toxic effect of chlorine gas
- T59.2 - Toxic effect of formaldehyde
- T59.2X - Toxic effect of formaldehyde
- T62.2 - Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s)
- T62.2X - Toxic effect of other ingested (parts of) plant(s)
- T55.0 - Toxic effect of soaps
- T55.0X - Toxic effect of soaps
- T56.81 - Toxic effect of thallium