Labor ICD-10 Code
- Z87.51 - Personal history of pre-term labor
- O66.3 - Obstructed labor due to other abnormalities of fetus
- O70.4 - Anal sphincter tear complicating delivery, not associated with third degree laceration
- O74.3 - Central nervous system complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery
- O74.8 - Other complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery
- O74.7 - Failed or difficult intubation for anesthesia during labor and delivery
- O74.0 - Aspiration pneumonitis due to anesthesia during labor and delivery
- O74.2 - Cardiac complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery
- O74.9 - Complication of anesthesia during labor and delivery, unspecified
- O74.1 - Other pulmonary complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery
- O71.7 - Obstetric hematoma of pelvis
- O72.1 - Other immediate postpartum hemorrhage
- O72.0 - Third-stage hemorrhage
- O62.0 - Primary inadequate contractions
- O75.9 - Complication of labor and delivery, unspecified
- O71.5 - Other obstetric injury to pelvic organs
- O66.6 - Obstructed labor due to other multiple fetuses
- O66.4 - Failed trial of labor
- O66.40 - Failed trial of labor, unspecified
- O75.1 - Shock during or following labor and delivery
- O09.211 - Supervision of pregnancy with history of pre-term labor, first trimester
- O09.212 - Supervision of pregnancy with history of pre-term labor, second trimester
- O09.213 - Supervision of pregnancy with history of pre-term labor, third trimester
- O09.219 - Supervision of pregnancy with history of pre-term labor, unspecified trimester
- O75.8 - Other specified complications of labor and delivery
- O75.89 - Other specified complications of labor and delivery
- O09.21 - Supervision of pregnancy with history of pre-term labor
- O69.2 - Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, with compression
- O69.82 - Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, without compression
- O69.9 - Labor and delivery complicated by cord complication, unspecified
- O69.8 - Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications
- O69.89 - Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications
- O77.9 - Labor and delivery complicated by fetal stress, unspecified
- O69.3 - Labor and delivery complicated by short cord
- O77.8 - Labor and delivery complicated by other evidence of fetal stress
- O77.9 - Labor and delivery complicated by fetal stress, unspecified
- O69.9 - Labor and delivery complicated by cord complication, unspecified
- O69.3 - Labor and delivery complicated by short cord
- O69.8 - Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications
- O69.89 - Labor and delivery complicated by other cord complications
- O69.0 - Labor and delivery complicated by prolapse of cord
- O69.4 - Labor and delivery complicated by vasa previa
- O15.1 - Eclampsia complicating labor
- O75.9 - Complication of labor and delivery, unspecified
- O74.9 - Complication of anesthesia during labor and delivery, unspecified
- O69.2 - Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, with compression
- O69.82 - Labor and delivery complicated by other cord entanglement, without compression
- O72.3 - Postpartum coagulation defects
- O65.0 - Obstructed labor due to deformed pelvis
- O75.8 - Other specified complications of labor and delivery
- O75.89 - Other specified complications of labor and delivery
- O74.8 - Other complications of anesthesia during labor and delivery
- O75.1 - Shock during or following labor and delivery
- O75.0 - Maternal distress during labor and delivery
- O75.0 - Maternal distress during labor and delivery
- O66.0 - Obstructed labor due to shoulder dystocia
- O74.6 - Other complications of spinal and epidural anesthesia during labor and delivery
- O74.5 - Spinal and epidural anesthesia-induced headache during labor and delivery
- Z91.42 - Personal history of forced labor or sexual exploitation
- T76.6 - Forced labor exploitation, suspected
- T76.61 - Adult forced labor exploitation, suspected
- T76.62 - Child forced labor exploitation, suspected
- T74.6 - Forced labor exploitation, confirmed
- T74.61 - Adult forced labor exploitation, confirmed
- T74.62 - Child forced labor exploitation, confirmed
- Z04.82 - Encounter for examination and observation of victim following forced labor exploitation
- O65.4 - Obstructed labor due to fetopelvic disproportion, unspecified
- O77.0 - Labor and delivery complicated by meconium in amniotic fluid
- T76.62 - Child forced labor exploitation, suspected
- T74.6 - Forced labor exploitation, confirmed
- T74.61 - Adult forced labor exploitation, confirmed
- T74.62 - Child forced labor exploitation, confirmed
- Z91.42 - Personal history of forced labor or sexual exploitation
- T76.6 - Forced labor exploitation, suspected
- T76.61 - Adult forced labor exploitation, suspected
- O62.8 - Other abnormalities of forces of labor
- O90.41 - Hepatorenal syndrome following labor and delivery
- O42.0 - Premature rupture of membranes, onset of labor within 24 hours of rupture
- O42.02 - Full-term premature rupture of membranes, onset of labor within 24 hours of rupture
- O70.22 - Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIb
- O70.23 - Third degree perineal laceration during delivery, IIIc
- O61.0 - Failed medical induction of labor
- O61.8 - Other failed induction of labor
- O61.9 - Failed induction of labor, unspecified
- O61.1 - Failed instrumental induction of labor
- O62.1 - Secondary uterine inertia
- O62.2 - Other uterine inertia
- O67.8 - Other intrapartum hemorrhage
- O67.9 - Intrapartum hemorrhage, unspecified
- O67.0 - Intrapartum hemorrhage with coagulation defect
- O71.6 - Obstetric damage to pelvic joints and ligaments
- O42.9 - Premature rupture of membranes, unspecified as to length of time between rupture and onset of labor
- O42.92 - Full-term premature rupture of membranes, unspecified as to length of time between rupture and onset of labor
- O66.1 - Obstructed labor due to locked twins
- O64.2 - Obstructed labor due to face presentation
- O64.0 - Obstructed labor due to incomplete rotation of fetal head
- O64.8 - Obstructed labor due to other malposition and malpresentation
- O64.8 - Obstructed labor due to other malposition and malpresentation
- O64.9 - Obstructed labor due to malposition and malpresentation, unspecified
- O64.5 - Obstructed labor due to compound presentation