Nuclear ICD-10 Code
- H25.10 - Age-related nuclear cataract, unspecified eye
- H25.11 - Age-related nuclear cataract, right eye
- H25.12 - Age-related nuclear cataract, left eye
- H25.1 - Age-related nuclear cataract
- Y36.591 - War operation involving other effects of nuclear weapons, civilian
- H26.03 - Infantile and juvenile nuclear cataract
- H26.031 - Infantile and juvenile nuclear cataract, right eye
- H26.032 - Infantile and juvenile nuclear cataract, left eye
- H26.039 - Infantile and juvenile nuclear cataract, unspecified eye
- Y36.501 - War operations involving unspecified effect of nuclear weapon, civilian
- Y36.50 - War operations involving unspecified effect of nuclear weapon