Retained ICD-10 Code
- H44.73 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in lens
- H44.731 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in lens, right eye
- H44.732 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in lens, left eye
- H44.739 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in lens, unspecified eye
- Z18.8 - Other specified retained foreign body
- H44.711 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in anterior chamber, right eye
- H44.712 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in anterior chamber, left eye
- H44.719 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in anterior chamber, unspecified eye
- Z18.8 - Other specified retained foreign body
- Z18.89 - Other specified retained foreign body fragments
- Z18.1 - Retained metal fragments
- Z18.10 - Retained metal fragments, unspecified
- Z18.3 - Retained organic fragments
- Z18.39 - Other retained organic fragments
- Z18.0 - Retained radioactive fragments
- Z18.09 - Other retained radioactive fragments
- Z18.32 - Retained tooth
- Z18.81 - Retained glass fragments
- Z18.9 - Retained foreign body fragments, unspecified material
- Z18.33 - Retained wood fragments
- Z18.33 - Retained wood fragments
- Z18.89 - Other specified retained foreign body fragments
- Z18.01 - Retained depleted uranium fragments
- Z18.9 - Retained foreign body fragments, unspecified material
- Z18.10 - Retained metal fragments, unspecified
- Z18.1 - Retained metal fragments
- Z18.12 - Retained nonmagnetic metal fragments
- H05.5 - Retained (old) foreign body following penetrating wound of orbit
- H05.50 - Retained (old) foreign body following penetrating wound of unspecified orbit
- H05.51 - Retained (old) foreign body following penetrating wound of right orbit
- H05.52 - Retained (old) foreign body following penetrating wound of left orbit
- Z18.2 - Retained plastic fragments
- H44.741 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in posterior wall of globe, right eye
- H44.742 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in posterior wall of globe, left eye
- H44.749 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in posterior wall of globe, unspecified eye
- H44.75 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in vitreous body
- H44.751 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in vitreous body, right eye
- H44.752 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in vitreous body, left eye
- H44.759 - Retained (nonmagnetic) (old) foreign body in vitreous body, unspecified eye