Zoster ICD-10 Code
- B02.8 - Zoster with other complications
- B02.9 - Zoster without complications
- B02.7 - Disseminated zoster
- B02.0 - Zoster encephalitis
- B02.23 - Postherpetic polyneuropathy
- B02.39 - Other herpes zoster eye disease
- B02.2 - Zoster with other nervous system involvement
- B02.7 - Disseminated zoster
- B02.8 - Zoster with other complications
- B02.9 - Zoster without complications
- B02.31 - Zoster conjunctivitis
- B02.0 - Zoster encephalitis
- B02.21 - Postherpetic geniculate ganglionitis
- B02.32 - Zoster iridocyclitis
- B02.33 - Zoster keratitis
- B02.24 - Postherpetic myelitis
- B02.3 - Zoster ocular disease
- B02.30 - Zoster ocular disease, unspecified
- B02.29 - Other postherpetic nervous system involvement
- B02.34 - Zoster scleritis
- B02.1 - Zoster meningitis
- B02.22 - Postherpetic trigeminal neuralgia
- B02.33 - Zoster keratitis
- B02.30 - Zoster ocular disease, unspecified
- B02.3 - Zoster ocular disease
- B02.34 - Zoster scleritis
- B02.2 - Zoster with other nervous system involvement